We All Belong in Alameda County
What is Measure A1 and why do we need it?
We have a housing crisis in Alameda County. Affordable housing is getting harder and harder to find. Seniors, veterans, people with disabilities, and low-income families are rent-burdened and pressured to move out of the area or risk becoming homeless because they cannot afford rent in our community.
Between 2010 and 2015, State and Federal funding for affordable housing decreased by 89% and the County and its Cities faced a shortfall of over 60,000 homes affordable to low-income families. Alameda County stepped up to this crisis. The Measure A1 Bond program provides $580 million in funding to create and preserve affordable housing for residents most in need – seniors, veterans, people with disabilities and frontline workers. The Measure A1 General Obligation Bond Funding provides housing resources for people struggling with housing costs, provides supportive housing to people experiencing homelessness, and it helps families buy homes, a critical step for building wealth and financial stability.
High Level Accomplishments to Date
Multi-family affordable rental projects supported
of Rental Development A1 funds committed to projects
affordable rental housing units supported
of funds from other sources leveraged to rental projects
housing units supported with A1 Homeownership funds
of A1 Homeownership funds committed